We have just checked through a very well crafted email that came in to one of our clients, transcript below:

“Please let me know if you are available to process a transfer. And also, what are the information you will be needing to process it?

Sent from my iPhone”

The “what are the information” is a giveaway other than that, the email was perfectly crafted.

Further inspection reveals the following details:

“From: First Name <client@company.ie>
X-Sender: help@reliefanyonenow.com
Reply-To: First Name <coew2@aol.com>
To: <accounts@company.ie>
Subject: Good Morning
Date: Mon, 7 Mar 2016 01:50:58 -0700
MIME-Version: 1.0
Return-Path: help@reliefanyonenow.com”

We have removed our clients details ( for obvious reasons )

As usual, be cautious with any suspicious emails that arrive in your inbox.